Season 4

Episode 12. Quantum Computers - ft. Dr. Giulio Malavolta

Episode 11 Episodes list Episode 13

In this episode, Bea talks to Dr. Giulio Malavolta, a tenure-track faculty at Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy. He is broadly interested in the theory of cryptography and its connections with quantum computation, concurrent systems, cryptocurrencies, and game theory. His recent work focuses on constructing cryptographic schemes with advanced functionalities and finding new applications to real-life systems.

Bea talks to Giulio about the basics and applications of quantum computers to gain a better understanding about this new and mysterious field. Bea and Giulio talk about how quantum computers work, the difference between classical and quantum computers, and the application of quantum computers in society today.

To find out more information about Dr. Giulio Malavolta, check out here

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