PhDnet General Meeting

Annual meeting for PhD represenatives

The PhDnet General Meeting is a 3-days annual meeting of PhD representatives, members of the PhDnet working groups, and interested doctoral researchers in Max Planck Society.

The meeting provides an opportunity to get to know about the PhDnet and have an exchange of ideas between new and experienced PhD representatives from different institutes. Furthermore the program of the General Meeting typically includes reports from the steering group and PhDnet workgroups, and a discussion of common problems faced by doctoral researchers in Max Planck Society. In addition, the meeting is usually attended by representatives from the general administration of Max Planck Society.

Each year the General Meeting is held in a different German city. This year the meeting is planned to take place in Berlin. The meeting will be held from October 13-15, 2025.
The organisation is in full swing, keep an eye out to the website and social media for more information.

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