N2 Activities and Events

N2 regularly engages in meetings and consultations where we advocate for the interests of doctoral researchers. We organise bi-annual network events to discuss above the future of science with early career researchers and poltiical stakeholders. For the first time, this February we hosted a live discussion and presentation of our harmonized survey results.

N2 Event 2021: Perspectives on Open & Sustainable Research

The next N2 conference will take place virtually from 13th to 15th of October 2021 on focus on open and sustainable research. To find out more about the program or how to register have a look here: Perspectives on Open & Sustainable Research

Presentation of 2019 harmonized survey results

In 2019, N² initiated a harmonized survey questionnaire which was sent to doctoral researchers in all four member organisations. The aim was to be able to compare the results between the organisations and increase their significance.

Summary of N² activities

On February 4th (English) and February 9th (German), we presented the survey results in video Q&A sessions.

The slides from the survey presentation can be downloaded here (English, German).

The survey reports of the three full member networks of N2 can be found below. The report by our associate member IPP is not publicly available due to small sample size.

Max Planck PhDnet Survey Report, Helmholtz Junior Survey Report, Leibniz PhD Network Survey Report

N2 Conferences

N2 organises a joint event every two years, bringing together early career researchers from the non-university research sector to discuss and connect with senior scientists, political stakeholders, the media, and the public.

N2 Event 2021: Perspectives on open and sustainable research

The next N2 conference will take place in October 2021. It will be organised as a hybrid event with most of the program taking place virtually and in-person events hosted at three different locations in Germany. Watch this space for more information coming soon!

N2 Event 2019: From Research to Application

The N2 Event 2019 took place at the Umweltforum Berlin from 13 – 15 November 2019. It united selected leading scientists from academic research and industry with excellent doctoral researchers from various research fields of N2 to discuss about the role of basic research and how it can contribute to and translate into commercial interest.

N2 Event 2017: Science Communication

The 2017 joint event of N² took place at the Leibniz Naturkundemuseum and EUREF Campus from 6 - 8 November 2017. It gave an insight into state-of-the-art science communication and the relationship between science and society. As part of the Berlin Science Week, the conference was open to the public on one evening with the festival "Science Beyond Borders".