N2 members and collaboration

N² is a network of networks. Therefore, its direct members are representative bodies of networks formed by early career researchers, especially doctoral researchers, from universities and non-university research organisations in Germany. We are open for other PhD associations in Germany to join forces and collaborate on projects!

The current member organisations of N² are the Helmholtz Juniors, the International PhD Programme at the IMB Mainz, the Leibniz PhD Network and the Max Planck PhDnet.

N² consists of two organs, the N² Board and the N² Advisory Board.

Board - Current Network Representatives

The N² Board is formed by the elected representatives – the (deputy) spokespersons – from each member organisation.

  • Elisabeth Bobkova and Anne-Lena Moor (Max Planck PhDnet)
  • Hanin Alkhamis and Peter Macsek (Helmholtz Juniors)
  • Martin Bagic and Gabriel Ragazzo (Leibniz PhD Network)
  • Marcel Misak and Fatmanur Tiryaki (IPP) 

Advisory Board - Previous Board Members

The N² Advisory Board is formed by the previous members of the N² Board who volunteer to provide their resources to the benefit of the network.

  • Helmholtz Juniors: Isabela Paredes Cisneros, Michaela Löffler, Tim Lienig, Konstantin Kuhne, Ivona Kafedjiska, and Martin Schrader
  • IPP: Vera Minnerker, Vera Tröster, and Vanessa Pires
  • Leibniz PhD Network: Anja Jahn, Jacob Gorenflos, Katharina Willenbücher, Katarzyna Stoltmann, Jan-Lucas Schanze, Pankhuri Saxena, and Jan Klenke
  • Max Planck PhDnet: Lindsey Bultema, Alexander Filippi, Jana Lasser, Teresa Hollerbach, Lea Heckmann, and Sarah Young


We are open for other PhD associations in Germany to join forces and collaborate on projects. If you are a doctoral researcher in a structured PhD programme or part of a PhD network , we are interested in hearing your ideas about graduate education as well as challenges in academia for early career scientists.

What are your benefits?

Discuss your issues with stakeholders. Bringing voices of young scientists to the attention of decision makers and enabling open discussion is our key competence.

Bring ideas to the political stage. We are in contact with politicians to discuss the key issues in science.

Make an impact where the funding goes. Science funding agencies are looking for ideas about how they can help young scientists. We regularly take part in discussions with them.

Connect with our network and get to know amazing scientists from around the globe!



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