Get involved!
Are you a doctoral researcher in the Max Planck Society and want to get involved? No problem, there are plenty of options to connect to other researchers, contribute to ongoing projects and develop transferable skills.
If you have ideas for change at your own institute, why don’t you become a candidate for external or internal PhD representative during the next election at your institute? As external representative you are representing your institute to PhDnet, attend the general meeting and can vote on statutes and the next steering group. As internal representative, you are representing the DRs within your institute. As PhD representative, both external and internal, you are the voice of the DRs in your institute, whether it is for problem solving with director’s and work’s council or organising fun events. You want to promote changes at a larger scale? Stand for election at the general meeting and become part of the steering group! Also check out our PhDnet teamroom on MAX!
If you want to connect with other DRs that share your interests, check out our workgroups! Whether you’re interested in writing, podcasting, promoting open science or equal opportunity, organising events, maintaining the website, conducting elections or our big survey – there is a topic for everybody. And if you feel that the variety of workgroups is not enough, don’t hesitate to find like-minded DRs and found your own workgroup!
If you want to get to know DRs in your region, get in contact with your local hub and/or your PhD representatives to organise a hub meeting.
If you want to get in contact with not only DRs but MPS researchers from all levels, why don’t you join the Max Planck Alumni Association? Every employee who worked within the MPS for longer than six months can join the network and connect to other employees worldwide.
If the PhDnet is not big enough for you, check out N² - the network of networks. N² represents the DRs of the MPS, the Helmholtz and the Leibniz Association to promote bigger changes in the scientific landscape in Germany. Whether it is a joint survey or an event such as the N² conferences – if you’re interested, get in touch and contribute!