Statement on DW and Der Spiegel Reportage on Power Abuse

Statement from the PhDnet regarding the reportage by DW and DER SPIEGEL dated 12-13 March 2025 

March 18, 2025

The recent investigative reportage by Deutsche Welle and DER SPIEGEL has raised serious concerns about the Max Planck Society (MPS), particularly regarding allegations of power abuse, lack of accountability, and the challenges researchers face in seeking support. As the PhDnet Steering Group, we believe these issues demand urgent attention—not only within the MPS but across academia as a whole. Ensuring a safe and supportive research environment for all doctoral researchers must be a top priority. 

At the outset, we unequivocally condemn any abuse of power, including unreported cases within the MPS. As one of Germany’s leading research institutions, the MPS has both the responsibility and the means to drive meaningful change, fostering an academic culture where early-career researchers feel encouraged to continue their scientific pursuits. No doctoral researcher should be deterred from an academic career due to misconduct or systemic failings. Accountability must extend to all levels, including senior leadership. 

The reported instances of power abuse have caused widespread distress among doctoral researchers. We stand in solidarity with those affected, commend the courage of those who have come forward, and deeply regret their experiences. Many researchers feel unsafe voicing concerns for fear of retaliation. It would be valuable to further develop MPS’s existing reporting mechanisms to better ensure confidentiality and protect those affected. Addressing these concerns with sensitivity and transparency is crucial to strengthening trust in the MPS’s commitment to fairness and integrity. 

As the PhDnet Steering Group, we remain committed to supporting doctoral researchers. We will continue conducting annual surveys to collect reliable data that amplifies the collective voice of our community. These surveys have already driven past reforms and remain a crucial tool for positive change. Through collaboration within the PhDnet network and with MPS administration, we strive to develop concrete and constructive solutions, which will be a key focus of the PhDnet Steering Group 2025 agenda and the annual meeting with the MPS President and senior management. 

We strongly encourage researchers to use the available reporting channels, including internal and external representatives, the ombudsperson, the works council, the equal opportunities officer, and the designated email ( Additional resources can be found at MPG Report Misconduct and MPG Conflict Management


 The PhDnet Steering Group 2025, on behalf of the PhDnet. 

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